Thursday, May 23, 2013

In Dreams

I had the strangest dream last night. That's what happens to me when I go to the movie theater and watch new trailers for other movies. My dream consisted of Thor and The Hunger Games compacted into one, influenced by the trailers for Thor: The Dark World and Catching Fire.

Sadly I can't remember most of it or how it started. You know the more you try to remember about a dream the more you forget?? Yep, that's me! I'll just tell you what I can still scavenge from my forgetful brain! I was in one of those fifteen passenger vans with people I had never seen before in my life. However, I already felt like we were family because we all had one goal in mind: protect each other, and don't get caught. We had all been chosen as tributes for the Hunger Games, but we had all escaped from The Capitol. We were on the run from the government, and we were failing in covering our trail.

Glancing around the van, I looked at my peers. They ranged from twelve all the way to eighteen. I remember focusing on a little twelve-year old girl with white-blonde hair, and blue eyes. Her eyes were wide and she had a crease in her forehead where her eyebrows had knit together in panic and worry. I couldn't believe we were all in this situation, boys and girls alike of all ages. I had never felt such pure terror. I kept glancing out the window at the road, hoping not to see any cop cars or government vehicles in pursuit. I felt like we were a red thumb compared to the other cars. although I hadn't known these people too long, I felt like we were family, all crammed together in a van. We were relying on a boy named Riley who was eighteen to drive us somewhere we could hide. I don't remember why, but Riley and I decided that we needed to stop at an abandoned building and discuss our plans away from the younger kids. We left Carson, a sixteen year old, in charge to watch over the others.
We walked into the abandoned building which had cracked cement floors and ceilings, stray wires dangling from the ceiling, and elaborate graffiti all over the walls. We headed into the basement to make sure we weren't overheard by those in the van.
"Riley, where are we gonna go?" I questioned desperately. Anywhere we drove wouldn't feel safe for me. I looked into his bright, green eyes hoping for a confident answer, but all I saw was sadness and fear. He basically looked like Gale with hardly a few changes. Though he didn't act super confident, I felt brave with him just being there. I was glad I wasn't the leader.
"We need to get as far away from Massachusetts as possible. That's the most populated city on the East Coast." he responded. "Right now, I suggest Florida until we can find a boat to South America. They can't touch us there."
"Are you sure?" I questioned, "Does their reign end anywhere?" He answered me with a grimace.
We started searching the room for any useful supplies, and that's when I heard a creak on the steps.
Before I knew it, a sharp, electrical pain had wrapped around my wrist and caused my entire body to spasm. I fell to the floor with my body rigid; waves of painful, hot current rushing through my body. I couldn't speak, and I could barely breathe. I felt Riley fall next to me, his body paralyzed except for the spasms my own body was feeling. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a black cord that was still wrapped around my wrist. I could hear an electric current going through it. A man in a black suit with dark sunglasses towered over us, holding the device that immobilized us. I recognized him as one of the directors of The Games.
I couldn't believe what was happening. My only thoughts were that I hoped the kids in the van sensed the danger and were able to get away, and that Riley would get away somehow. I knew we would be punished greatly for escaping. But what did it matter? We were going to die anyways. The pain became too much and I slowly faded into darkness.
Next thing I knew, I was awake and in a dark basement with shuttered windows. Confused, I realized the pain was gone, and I wasn't alone. I was surprised to find Thor next to me. Apparently I was his sister, and we were kidnapped and trapped. Somehow Thor's powers had been taken away, and he couldn't see to get them back. There were stairs that led to a doorway to the first floor but after many tries we were always blocked by invisible defenses, and a large henchman sent to keep watch over us.
I know this sounds completely odd, but in my dream, I loved Thor deeply. Not in the romantic way, but in a family way. I was surprised I cared so much about him, and I knew I would do everything in my power to protect him even though I had just barely found out we were siblings.
(On a side note, I think I especially liked this because I have always imagined having an older brother that loved me and protected me from harm. I had never experienced a brotherly protection before than when I did in this dream. It was fun to be able to experience that, even if it wasn't real.)
He told me that Loki had somehow trapped us down here, and that he wanted us for a plan he was creating. Whatever it was, it was happening soon.
It seemed like we were stuck down there forever, but finally the door to the stairs opened and Loki descended. I remember recoiling away, which was odd because I hadn't found him that frightening in the movie. I hated how he looked at me and Thor and I hated not knowing what was going to happen next. Sadly, I don't remember  the words exchanged between us because that part of the dream went fuzzy as soon as I woke up. Next thing I knew, Thor was nodding in my direction before jumping up and tackling the body guard. I ran over to a steel cabinet and shoved with all my might. It crashed down upon Loki and he fell to the ground and his staff thing he has went flying. He struggled to get up as Thor scuffled with the body guard. As soon as he immobilized him, he grabbed my arm
"He no longer has the staff! His defenses upon the staircase have been disbanded. Go!! Run!!" he yelled, releasing my arm and charging up the stairs. I quickly followed as I heard the cabinet crash across the room. Loki was up again.
Of course, since I was frightened, and it was a dream, it seemed I couldn't climb the stairs fast enough. Loki was gaining. This was a new kind of intense terror I hadn't felt before. A sob wanted to escape my  chest as I began to see the first floor landing and the front door opened to brilliant sunlight. I hadn't seen sunlight in so long. The trees, the bushes, the other houses; it felt like a new, beautiful world. Thor had turned at the door and he was egging me on.
"Come on, Allie. Hurry! Almost there!"
 I was so close to freedom. But then I stumbled on one of the stairs and Loki grabbed my leg. I screeched and tried to claw my way free but his grip was too strong. Slowly he started to drag me back downstairs. I sobbed and cried, "Thor!" I had been so close, and now my only opportunity was gone. As I wrestled to escape, suddenly the world turned sideways and we both crashed to the first landing on the stairs. Thor had tackled Loki to the ground and he released his grip on me. It seemed whatever they had done to Thor had made him weak. He wasn't faring well against his brother.
Amidst the fight he looked up at me and threw a crumpled piece of paper at me. "Go!" he yelled desperately, "find the place! You'll know what to do!"
I caught the paper in mid-flight, but I didn't move. Instead, I rushed forward to help. There was no way I was going to leave Thor, my brother here.
"No!" He growled, and shunted me aside as I tried to help him fight off Loki. "You must leave. I can't hold him much longer, and without you escaping, all is lost!" The sound of thundering footsteps on the lower landing meant the henchman had regained consciousness. There was no way we could both fight off two people.
"I won't leave you!" I wailed as I pushed a lamp table down the stairs, causing the henchman to slow down. Again, I looked at my brother and saw a pleading look in his blue eyes and I knew he was right. "Please! For me." he said, before being tackled behind by the henchman.
Turning quickly I ran up the stairs and flung open the front door. A small, blue car had been parked near the sidewalk of the house. I had no clue what neighborhood or even what state we were in. I ran to the car as I heard Loki suddenly running behind me.
"Give me that paper!" he spat.
I quickly jumped into the car and found they had left the keys on the seat. I thrust the key into the ignition and let the car roar to life. I stamped on the gas pedal, with wheels squealing, and headed down the road. Loki had given up his foot pursuit and had grabbed a motorcycle. He was only a couple of feet behind me. I didn't care what rules I was going to break while driving, my only thought was to get away. I can't remember how I made it, but with a few close calls I got ahead of Loki on the freeway. Before long, I had lost him in the mass of cars. Slowly I unclenched my hand that still had the paper in it and uncrumpled the note. Written on it was an address I didn't know. Determined, I sped down the highway trying to get my bearings, promising to come back for my brother.

That's when I woke up. Don't you wish sometimes that you could go back to sleep and finish the dream so you could know what happened. Its like not finishing an intense movie. It's driving me insane! Yes, yes, I know. I have weird dreams. If you guys like hearing them, I'll keep posting them. There's plenty more where that came from! I don't know why, but I love sharing dreams with people. It's fun to recount what story your brain subconsciously tells, and what other people dream about. Dreaming is a strange world to explore and can never really be understood, and I find that amazing!!

"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together."
                                                                                                  -Jack Kerouac

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I have entered the blogging world! Hopefully I'll be able to customize this blog and make it look better as I go along. I've called my blog Pangea and created a strange background because I wanted people to feel like they were entering into a new world; my world. This is a place where people can enter into my imagination and my life, and hopefully enjoy the experience. Pangea will be a unique experience for everyone, and will be a new experience for me. I've never blogged before so if you do read, you may have to put up with my lack of blog-iness. It'll be a place where I can keep an open journal, share my dreams, and review movies and other such things. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope you guys like it!